Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Min Wage and Campaign Finance.

First off on the Campaign Finance errr incumbent protection move by the lackeys of Governor Doyle.

This is directed to Senator Ellis. Why does this shock and offend you? President Bush's administration treats a .001% chance of Iran getting the bomb as a 100% chance. So too with campaign finance reform. If there is a 1% chance of campaign finance laws being crafted or abused to protect the incumbent then we need to regard it as a certainty. I know the Teachers Industrial Complex (TIC) is killing us but abusing the laws and constitution to gag the Teachers Industrial Complex (TIC) is just as offensive to me as this move by Doyle.

Hey lefty, I know most of you like the idea of campaign finance reform but I bet it will not be so nice when a Republican abuses campaign finance laws like Doyle just did.

Now on to Dem operatives dodging the minimum wage law. Sometime ago a group dedicated to raising the minimum wage (ACORN) didn't want to pay minimum wage and petitioned a court to pay less than the minimum wage. They said this would make their workers work hard since they would know first hand what it was like to work for less than the minimum wage. IIRC the court didn't buy that one anymore than any of us here.

Dems hire workers to push minimum wage increase, but pay below minimum wage

Democratic Hypocrisy at it's best! A group that raises money for Democratic Congressional candidates uses a company that pays it's workers subminimum wage to talk to people about... raising the minimum wage.

Isthmus: Democrats for Worker Exploitation

National Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee hires firm that pays subminimum wages to push for a higher minimum wage

A group that raises money for Democratic Congressional candidates uses a canvassing company that pays some workers submimium wage, in apparent violation of Wisconsin state law, to talk about the need to raise the federal minimum wage, Isthmus newspaper has learned.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), based in Washington, D.C., has hired Grassroots Campaigns, a Boston-based for-profit company with operations in 18 U.S. cities, to conduct canvassing on its behalf. The DCCC's "New Direction for American" agenda, which provides the talkiing points canvassers are taught to use to solicit contributions, includes a call to "Raise the minimum wage."

Talk about a bunch of hypocrites. They rail to raise the minimum wage, but they themselves will not even pay the current minimum... Just imagine what would be said if it was a group working for the Republicans.

Hat tip: Mark Belling

Where Will Wisconsin Liberals and Democrats draw the line

When it comes to getting or keeping power in Wisconsin, where will the Liberals in this state draw a line and say an action is going to far?

They look the other way as out Governor sells state contracts for campaign contributions

They look the other way when supporters of their candidates in the 04 elections slash tires to try and stop people from voting.

They look the other way when one of their candidates gets caught double voting how long did it take for someone on that side to denounce Riley?

They look the other way when Outstate members of their party hand out cigarettes to homeless people for their vote.

They look the other way when the Election board controlled by their party makes a blatant political move against Mark Green overturning past rulings and 20 plus years of precedent.

They look the other way as shadow groups like the Greater Wisconsin Committee funnel huge amounts of Indian Casino money into the effort to reelect Jim Doyle.

I am sure I am missing a couple of examples here but that is a good starting list.

I am just curious where our liberal friends would draw the line and say no we can not do that even if it means we would lose an election. Is there such a line or does getting or keeping their power all that matters?

Chris SH2


I'm Casper.

How are you?

I was hoping my first post as a "probie" here at the BBA might be a bit more, oh, I dunno, monumental, but with recent events, it seems that coming up with anything more than this just isn't in me.

Nevertheless, I didn't want to let too much time go by between having the honor of joining this illustrious gang bestowed upon me and actually doing something with it. So, I figured I'd meekly slip on in, hang out by the punch bowl for a while, and maybe stare off into space hoping nobody notices I'm wearing two different socks.

I assure you, though, meek is not normally my style.

By the way, Jib jokingly said the BBA needed an A/V guy. Well, it's about time! Everyone made fun of me for being in the A/V club in junior high (which basically meant I was one of the first people who knew how to stop the clock from flashing on a VCR), but now I may be able to put some of that stuff to use!

So, thanks for having me guys and gals. Hopefully I won't disappoint.

And if I do, hopefully I disappoint so magnificently that nobody will ever forget it.

Nice to meet you.

AG Gossip

WARNING! There will be no mention of Van Hollen or Bucher in this AG Gossip.

You didn't hear it from me, because I didn't hear it from one of my son's friends who isn't a student at Beloit College, and isn't taking a Poli Sci class with: the odious PL's lackey:

Said official member of the AG's office, Number 1 if you will, let his students know that one book would be provided for them for free because (s)he got them for free from PL's office. Because (s)he works there.

Number 1: "Don't tell anyone."

I won't if you won't. I'll only add that it wasn't the Blue Book, and Your Tax Dollars At Work!

That is all.

Two views of humanity

As you read these two views, check your own positions on various matters (in no particular order) such as school choice, tax credits, immigration, War on Terror, Inheritance Taxes, Iranian Nuclear capability, Abortion, Freedom of Religion, Capitalism, Socialism. Ask yourself which view you use to address which issue. If you find yourself using both views, you are, by definition, a conflicted morally confused individual. Don’t feel bad, the various legislative bodies in this state and nation are filled to the gills with conflicted and morally confused indivuduals…

View One
“It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole … that above all the unity of a nation’s spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual….”

“This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture…. The basic attitude from which such activity arises, we call-to distinguish it from egoism and selfishness-idealism. By this we understand only the individual’s capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men.”

View Two
“Throughout history the state had been regarded, implicitly or explicitly, as the ruler of the individual-as a sovereign authority (with or without supernatural mandate), an authority logically antecedent to the citizen and to which he must submit. The Founding Fathers challenged this primordial notion. They started with the premise of the primacy and sovereignty of the individual. The individual, they held, logically precedes the group or the institution of government. Whether or not any social organization exists, each man possesses certain individual rights. And “among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”-or, in the words of a New Hampshire state document**, “among which are the enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and in a word, of seeking and obtaining happiness.”

**the New Hampshire document referred to is the original provisional Constitution of the State of New Hampshire (1766).

“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Thomas Jefferson.

Man’s rights, declared Samuel Adams (Father of the American Revolution), “are evident branches of, rather than dedutions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.” Man’s rights are natural, i.e., their warrant is the laws of reality, not any arbitrary human decision; and they are inalienable, i.e., absolutes not subject to renunciation, revocation, or infringement by any person or group - they are not annexed to us by parchments and seals….they are born with us; exist with us; and cannot be taken from us.”

The reality of the matter is that you cannot mix these two ideological views of humanity and end up with a workable society. It merely results in chaos in the long run and incredible inequity. The first view, believe it or not, were statements made by Adolf Hitler while he explained the moral philsophy of Nazism… does this give you any pause?

The seconde view, as noted, was that of our Founding Fathers. The explaination comes from Leonard Peikoff’s excellent book, The Ominous Parallels.

In my humble view, from our President right down to our local school boards, we need to rediscover, in real terms, what drove the Founders to this vision. A vision that brought to the world (at least in its first 100 years) the freeest most productive society in all of history. It is a vision that can be renewed, and re-implemented, but it will not happen without a really big fight; the sine qua non of statism is epidemic in the minds of too many.

The bottom line here is that if the first view becomes the over-riding and pervasive view of this nation, and consequently ingrained and brainwashed into its children, all will be lost - “America” will have ceased to exist. History is there for anyone willing and courageous enough to see it for what it really was, it is also there for all to understand where it should lead us.

bildanielson @ OnTheBorderLine

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So What if the State Election Board is crooked too.

The Doyleites on the State Election board just ignored the boards own lawyer and past ruling to take a shot at "The Crooks" Republican opponent. Sure they let Tom Barrett do the same thing that was different it was a Liberal, anything goes when your a lefty. They are above the law ask Diamond Jim Doyle he will tell you.

So what do we do now? Fold up our "Big Tent" and go home or realize that if money was the only thing that mattered in this election it would have been over months ago. Due to the fact he is on the take and will sell the kitchen sink from the Governors Mansion if the price is right, Jim Doyle has a lot of money. More than Mark Green is ever going to have and that was before this stupid travesty of a ruling today.

We all know Doyle is going to outspend Green on the order of 5-7 dollars to one for Green. But guess what money isn’t going to win this election for The Crook, How much did Doyle spend on his "Extreme Ads" in August and he got nothing for it in the polls.

Doyle is running scared, had he wanted to, he could have swayed the democratic members of the board. We know he has no problem over looking rules and laws when it is in his interest. He just screwed over future Democratic candidates with today’s vote to protect his own sorry ass. How much money will Doyle cost the next Tom Barrett when he tries to bring his federal war chest over. Maybe not a dime as two faced as the left is given the same parameters in the future but with a Rat candidate they might vote the other way. But if I was a Rat Poltico I would be a bit pissed off over future ramifications of this decision.

This was a hard shot at the Green Camp but far from a deathblow. You have to look at that 440K as money that would have been burned in the primary and stop crying over it. If the Green legal team can unlock any of it before the election fine, other wise we move on.

We all just have to work a little harder and maybe dig a little deeper but as I stated before money alone will not win this for Diamond Jim

Yes this ruling was unfair and stunk on ice, but the fight for Wisconsin is far from over.

But it is also time for the Green Camp to realize that Doyle and the people he works for are playing for keeps and rules be damned. Its time to take the gloves off, its bar fight time. The time for cute and fuzzy is over its time to start calling Doyle out as the crooked bastard he is.

This thing is far from over

Chris SH2

Welcome, Phelony

Another day, another welcome. Everyone join me in welcoming Phelony Jones of The Confidentials to the BBA. I'm personally looking forward to Phelony's commentary here at the BBA as she shares some of her, "so-called vintage life" here at the BBA.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A quick personal admin note

The URL for my personal blog Spotted Horse 2 has changed. The new URL is

Thanks for your time


The Incumbent Protection Act Back in the Courts.

The New York Sun notes an attack on the Incumbent Protection Act. Note:
Wisconsin Right to Life is trying to petition the government in respect of the Child Custody Protection Act. The bill would make it illegal to transport a minor girl across state lines to procure an abortion without permission of the minor girl's parents. The measure has passed both houses of Congress, but Senate Democrats are preventing the bill from going to a conference committee, which would be the next step toward final passage. One of Wisconsin's senators, Herbert Kohl, supports the bill. The other, Russell Feingold, opposes it. Wisconsin Right to Life wants to air ads starting September 5 praising Senator Kohl and criticizing Senator Feingold.

It is ironic that Senator Kohl is getting a high-five from Wisconsin Right to Life, but since his name is on a ballot the advert is against the law (but is protected by the Constitution).

Now, some may say You see, in this case the law cuts both ways! Come on, we know incumbency is a powerful tool and while I am sure Senator Kohl would not mind the plug he hardly needs it. He has no opposition, he could probably outspend any opponent on his interest income alone.

I leave you with one more paragraph, but I suggest you read the full article.

Now the plot thickens. Since Senator Kohl is on a primary ballot on September 12, the ads allegedly run afoul of the what might as well be called the McCain-Feingold (yes, that Feingold) Incumbent Insulation Act, better known as the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. Thus, the good citizens of Wisconsin Right to Life must seek a court's permission to talk about their elected officials in public. Henry VIII or George III couldn't have rigged the system better themselves. [emphasis added]

So it seems the law protects virtual child porn but not saying the senator is a fink.

Congratulations Bloggers!

You did it!

2996 bloggers have signed up to honor the memory of the 2996 victims who lost their lives on 9/11.

On August 28, 11:19 PM EDT the 2,996th name was assigned. Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum, age 53, a resident of New York, N.Y., will be honored by El Rider at the blog Flying Debris. There will be more to come. But every name will be honored.

It took exactly 90 days, and more hours than I’d care to count–and not just from me. But for tonight I’ll take this victory and sleep well.

Quite a few Wisconsin Bloggers are among the 2996 bloggers. Congratulations to you all! A special congratulations to D. Challener Roe, the person who put this whole thing together!!!

Is the Wisconsin Blogosphere unique or special?

A post over at future sleepless dad Aaron's blog rekindled a thought I have had a couple of times.

I believe at the moment the Wisconsin Blogosphere community is different than blogging in most of the country. We actually have a community that does not only exist online but in the physical world. We do things together we have picnics and blog summits and Xmas parties. We drink Right and We drink Liberally, we drink at the State Fair, we meet for lunch. We are known to meet to watch a football or baseball game at one another’s house. I do believe you see a bit more of this on the right but having the BBA as our Town square/Town meeting hall makes it easier for us than the people on the other side of the aisle.

We actually know a lot about each other, many of us actually could pick other bloggers out of a line up because we have met them in person usually more than once.

I can only speak for those of us on the right side but many of us have watched while our children played together while we talked geek and guns and politics. We cheer for one another I can remember being all geeked out the day Belling had to give Patrick credit for breaking the McGee story. One wins we all win.

We are also there for each other in times of good news and bad. Look at the prayers, happy thoughts and well wishes for Aaron and Kelly this week or when Kevin’s dad was having his surgery. The fact that Kevin choose to come to the BBA picnic because he didn’t want to wait in the hospital and being at the park would help him clear his head for a little while. I have been on the receiving end of this outpouring of friendship when my Father in Law past away and I will never forget it.

I have yet to see a blogging community that is as close as Wisconsin's, The NYC bloggers come close but I don’t think they reach the Potluck dinner feeling that Wisconsin blogging has. There always seems to be room at the table for any and all late arriving guests too. Think how many new blogs have joined our community in the last 6 months?

I guess what I am trying to say is we have something special here and we need to remain aware how lucky we are.

Chris CP@SH2

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lautenschlager & DOJ chastised by 7th Circuit Court of Appeals

The Wisconsin Attorney Generals office made arguments before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, the state won the case. But in a very unusual move all three judges blasted Peg Lautenschlager and the Wisconsin DOJ for the quality of the legal work, the irresponsible arguments that were made in it and the lack of respect shown for the Supreme Court of the United States.

The attorney for the state made a number of arguments, including commenting on a Supreme Court ruling on a completely unrelated case, and he also went on an anti-war rant.

Details, including audio, can be found at BadgerBlogger.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Even the Sports Guy Wants the Beer Mug Back...

Since the piece of the Wisconsin Blogosphere right now is Bill Simmons, ESPN Page 2's "Sports Guy" trip to Milwaukee, let me just point out my favorite part.
8:09 -- Milwaukee's Billy Hall ties the game with a homer, followed by Bernie Brewer sliding down his slide in right field and landing, feet first, on a catwalk. Wait, why didn't he land in the mug of beer? Chip informs us that they jettisoned the mug a few years ago for PC reasons. You know, because Bernie Brewer landing in a mug of beer was causing the teen drinking rate in Wisconsin to skyrocket. I'm beginning to hate living in this country.
Me too, you Red Sox-loving freak.

Me too.


A warm BBA welcome to...

...Casper of Ask Me Later. I had a chance to speak with Capser for the first time of real significance this past week, and I'm excited to have him on board. Given his broad campaign for any and all offices this this fall, we may run afoul of McCain-Feingold, but none of us particularly like that legislation, anyway.

As I perused the BBA blogroll in order to link to Casper in this post, I also realized that I and my fellow admins had committed a horrible travesty. For whatever reason, we never blogrolled Casper. So in addition to bringing him on board, we are also going to get him his rightful place on the blogroll. Given that we had overlooked this obvious blogrolling, I am going to ask anyone who isn't on our blogroll to email me at ojibway7rj-@-gmail-dot-com so we can get things properly updated.

Everyone join me in giving Casper a warm welcome, and BBA members, let the hazing begin.

Blog Of The Week

Your humble blogger has been nominated for Blog of The Week by MKEOnline.

Whoever nominated me, thanks.

Go here to vote.

No, you may not vote twice.

Friday, August 25, 2006

A Fistful of Moonbats

H/T to Jenn of the Jungle.

Warning: make sure nothing is in your mouth when you check this out. I cannot be responsible for, say, coffee coming out of your nose.

The Ultimate 9/11 Conspiracy Wacko website.

Cross-posted at Texas Hold 'Em Blogger.

And baby makes three.....

Congratulations Aaron and Kelly!

Subject to Change: Restless

Re Lord Ben

Sorry, I will not play that silly game unless he is willing to write a post telling us why not working for Green and leaving Diamond Jim Doyle in office is a better result.

I am not going to waste my time trying to turn people who cannot be turned.

These people remind me of the Ed Thompson Zombies in the last election. I trust Scott Walker if he believes that Mark Green is a good man that is good enough for me.

I believe Owen gave a laundry list of bills Mark Green will sign that the Crook has vetoed over and over again.

Mark Green isn’t perfect but no politico is. George Bush turned out to not be as Conservative as I would have liked, but he is a miles better than the other choice and I have gotten some of the things I wanted. Where I would not have gotten any of them if Kerry had won.

Belling and his crowd want to have it both ways they don’t want to work for Green but they will be willing to reap the rewards of a Green victory.

Jim Doyle is the enemy not Mark Green and these continued bitching and moaning from former Walker supporters that he isn’t conservative enough is BS. Green will be a better governor than Doyle if you are a conservative that is a fact.

For all these Belling zombies fine sit this one out we will win it without you but if we do lose it will be your fault that Doyle was reelected just like it was Ed Thompson’s fault the crook ever won in the first place.

No time for games there is work to be done.

Chris SH2

The Lord Ben Challenge

In response to Chris's post below, Lord Ben has a challenge for everyone:
1. Make a post on your blog.
2. Entitle it "Why Green is Awesome".
3. Write a post on why Green is awesome, don't mention Doyle even ONCE! The focus is on Green, not Green compared to someone else.
4. Don't make it sound like a press release, make it sound like a blog entry. It can be nerdy and wonky, but it should still read like a blog and be full of personal opinions, not campaign website information.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

New poll: The Marriage Amendment

How do you plan to vote on Wisconsin's Marriage Amendment?
Still undecided
Free polls from

The top talkers

We've closed out the latest BBA poll, and here are the results for Who is your favorite southern Wisconsin talk radio personality/team?

Charlie Sykes.........37%
Mark Belling...........22%
Jeff Wagner............12%
Vicki McKenna.......10%
Kathleen Dunn........6%
Jessica McBride......5%
Jay Weber...............5%
The Early Spin........3%
The Green House...1%
Joel McNally...........1%

"The bloggers"

What happens when a group of conservative bloggers are invited to an event that gives them the chance to mingle with state politicians?

Well, not much at first. Representative Joel Kleefisch graciously invited a group of us to a fund raiser last night. Joel had a strong turnout over all, and with bloggers in particular. Chris, Phelony, Casper, Aaron, Fred and I showed up. In the early part of the evening, I'll admit that I didn't really know what to do with myself. This was my first opportunity to mingle with elected officials, candidates, their families and their supporters. While I know that the Wisconsin blogosphere has arrived to a certain extent, it can still be tough to tell who it has arrived with. While I wanted to introduce myself as a blogger, I didn't want to create an awkward situation in which the person I'd just introduced myself to has to ask what a blogger is.

We mingled with people as a group and small groups through out the early evening. I know Chris and I were pleased to offer a couple of impromptu remedial blogging courses with people who were interested by blogs but did not really have much experience with them yet. About midway through the evening several of our elected officials said a few words, and at that time Joel briefly pointed out the bloggers to everyone. At that point I think we all entered our element a little more. We became "the bloggers."

It was quite enjoyable to talk with people with various levels of blog knowledge and awareness. We had some in depth political conversations, we helped spread the word about blogs, and we had the opportunity share some of our knowledge about this medium. For any of my fellow bloggers out there that have not had the opportunity to mix with many of the people we write about on a daily basis, I highly recommend that you do so when an opportunity arises.

A Soldier's Duty

Got this in an e-mail from TerraFirmaPolitics, a Yahoo newsgroup to which I subscribe:

A Soldier's duty

Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes. He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your 'Anti war/Don't support the troops' shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure your cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you. He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls. He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is. He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong. He doesn't get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes. He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone. He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.

You're angry because your meeting ran 5 minutes over. He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your lover and set a date for tonight. He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.

You hug and kiss your lover, like you do everyday. He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries. He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet.

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything. He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him. He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.

You see only what the media wants you to see. He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store . You don't. He does exactly what he is told.

You stay at home and watch TV. He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable. He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be woken by gunfire.

You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him. If only there were more men like him!

To all you Scott Walker Supporters who haven't joined the Green Team

What are you waiting for, get into the fight. I had the chance to talk to Scott Walker last night at the Joel Kleefisch reception. He made the point that lot of conservative in South East Wisconsin are still sitting on the side lines since Scott left the race. As one of the biggest Walker supporters in the blogosphere I feel qualified to talk about this. It's time to get over the fact that our "Local guy" didn’t win.

You have two choices: Go sit on the sidelines with that idiot Mark Belling and take the chance that Green will still beat Doyle and you can have your cake and eat it too. Or start working as hard for Mark Green as you would for Scott Walker.

We have went over this a million times but no matter how you slice it Mark Green will be a much better governor then the Crook we have in Madison right now.

Scott Walker fell on his sword and dropped out of the race to avoid the civil war that would have been the primary. Just look at the AG race and multiply that by 1000. That is what Scott helped us avoid and I thank him for it.

But by not throwing Southeastern Wisconsin’s weight behind Mark Green we are wasting Walkers sacrifice.

It's almost September folks this fight is about to really get started. Get in the fight find you local Mark Green office and volunteer to do what you do best stuff envelopes, hand out flyers or if your one of the special people who can do phone banks get out there and do it.

We as Conservatives need you and the help you can bring.

Lets show the out state people that yes Southeast Wisconsin Conservatives can be rabid about our beliefs, but we are always there when the bell rings.

The choice is a simple one for those of you still sitting on the fence.

Get into the fight and get Mark Green elected or leave the state in the hands of slime like Xoff and his puppet master
"Sold to the highest bidder"

Its time to go "Over the Top"

Chris SH2

More bad news for Doyle.

How long will the MSM be able to keep this quiet?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Milwaukee props up Madison... drinking, at least. Madison may no longer have the top party school in the nation, but Milwaukee has made up for that according to Forbes.

It will come as no surprise that the residents of a city known as "The Nation's Watering Hole" like to have a beer or two.

But Milwaukee isn't just your average brewing town. It's the hardest-drinking city in America, according to's ranking of America's Drunkest Cities.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Looks like someone's trying to rain on my parade.

I'm thinking of taking my famous guacamole dip.

Re: Clinton to campaign for Doyle

The Dems must actually be worried about this one looking close.

Question for Lance: Why didn't they send the Clinton who's still in office?

At Saddam's second trial

At Saddam trial, Kurds describe attack:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Survivors described a chemical weapons attack on their villages in testimony Tuesday at the trial of Saddam Hussein, telling of poisonous clouds of gas that killed children and blinded residents during a military offensive against Kurds in 1987.
Those would be the chemical weapons Saddam never had.

Two survivors told the court about an April 16, 1987 attack on the Kurdish villages of Basilan and Sheik Wasan — believed to be the first time Saddam's regime used chemical weapons on Iraqi citizens.

"The villagers were blinded and they were vomiting — only God knows what it was like that night," said Najiba Khider Ahmed, a 41-year-old woman from Sheik Wasan. She described being held in a detention camp for nine days, where her brother and niece disappeared.


Another survivor, Ali Mostafa Hama, said the chemical bombs let off "greenish smoke. It was if there was a rotten apple or garlic smell minutes later. People were vomiting ... we were blind and screaming. There was no one to rescue us. Just God."
Saddam's defense gets some ink later on in the story. Plus, this deadline:

A verdict is due Oct. 16 in the first trial, which concerned a crackdown on Shiites in the town of Dujail in the 1980s. If Saddam is sentenced to death in the Dujail case and the verdict stands on appeal, Iraqi law provides for him to be taken off the second case for the sentence to be carried out, though Iraqi officials have been unclear on whether they would do so or continue with the Anfal case.

Clinton to campaign for Doyle

Is there any better way to highlight Governor Doyle's complete lack of charisma than to bring in the most charismatic Democrat since JFK to campaign for him?

Monday, August 21, 2006


We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
What does unalienable mean?
Chris - OTBL

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Owen Sees Light at End of Tunnel for Green Campaign

Owen tells us there's hope after all*

Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle and his Republican opponent, U.S. Rep. Mark Green of Green Bay, will face one another in two televised debates starting next month, We the People/Wisconsin announced today.

The first debate will be held Sept. 15 in Waukesha and will focus on taxes and the economy. The second will be held Oct. 20 in La Crosse and will cover health care, education and other quality-of-life issues. The forums will be broadcast in the Milwaukee area by WTMJ-TV (Channel 4).

The down side is that this won't come in time to boost Repub primaries on Tuesday, September 12.

*Hope of Green getting any meaningful exposure to the generic Wisconsin voter, that is. And Owen didn't mention it as hopeful, but it's fun to make the words I'm pretty sure are in his head magically come out of his mouth. He did say "cool."

Friday, August 18, 2006

9/11 Tribute

H/T Kate @ An Ol' Broad's Ramblings

I stumbled across this website called 2996, after clicking on a link in Kate's blog. It is a tribute to the victims of 9/11, all 2996 people who died on this day.

The website is an opportunity for the blog community to write a tribute honoring one of the victims of 9/11.

When you sign up, you will be given the name of a individual who died on 9/11. You will also be given as much information as possible, plus the website will help you search for more information.

When I signed up, I was exactly number 2000.

Please join me in honoring the victims of 9/11 and write a tribute on the 5 year anniversary of that horrible day.

Here is the link.

On September 11, 2006, 2,996 volunteer bloggers
will join together for a tribute to the victims of 9/11.
Each person will pay tribute to a single victim.

We will honor them by remembering their lives,
and not by remembering their murderers.

The name of the person that I will be paying tribute to is Arturo Alva Moreno.

If you are looking for the HTML code for your sidebar(pictured below), click on the FAQ on the 2996 website, you will figure it out from there.

Late Abortion or homicide?

It is all the same in my mind. But that doesn't change the legal standing this nation has taken so few hours makes a a WORLD of a diff when a child is altogether suffocated after being born before an abortion could be performed.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

RE: One of the many reasons why we need a new Attorney General

Paul Bucher quickly made a radio ad.

If this can't knock off Peg Lautenschlager I don't know what else will.

One of the many reasons why we need a new Attorney General

Seven months to get a DNA test? And during the seven months between raping a 15 year old girl and the results of this test, three armed robberies and the murder of a cop is committed... This is acceptable?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Alas Poor Jillian, We Have Loved Thee

Fox NFL Sunday has let Jillian Barberie go as "Weather Girl." Reason behind it all is that with Joe Buck now being the host of the Pre-Game show, the program's going on the road.

Jillian can't come on the road.

Jillian Barberie, whose weather reporting on Fox's NFL pregame show pioneered the notion that NFL TV can get almost risque, won't return this season. To allow game play-by-play announcer Joe Buck to host its pregame show, Fox will turn it into a road show that will set up each weekend in the parking lot outside the stadium where Buck will work his games. Fox coordinating producer Scott Ackerson says it would have been "too hard logistically" for Barberie, who has a local morning show in Los Angeles, to come along. Still, he adds, "I love Jillian."

Fox NFL studio star Terry Bradshaw is already nostalgic: "When she first came on, I thought, 'Oh boy, there's something to play with!' Uh, television-wise. But I was just going through a divorce. God bless Fox. We'll do anything!"

Pretty much, but that's a good thing in show business. This season, says Ackerson, the wandering pregame show might also put lots of fans onscreen. Like, say, in throwing contests with Bradshaw? "Funny you should mention that. We've thought about target practices against Terry."

Bradshaw plans big changes: "I will be serious. I just want to break down the games, get back to what Fox saw in me at CBS — a guy with incredible knowledge of sports. No more hayseed. I' going to earn the respect of viewers, win an Emmy every year — then melt down the trophies for a necklace." Bradshaw can do irony.

We here at the BBA who enjoyed oogling Jillian, shall miss oogling Jillian.

Brilliant, yet stupid!

And it's another great insight from Elliot:

Spike Lee apparently believes rumors that the levees in New Orleans were blown up by the government during Hurricane Katrina to intentionally flood black neighborhoods.

I wonder if he thinks it was done by the same guys who secretly blew up the World Trade Center.

I'll tell you, Bush's Secret Police goons certainly are efficient.

Maybe we need to send those guys to Iraq. They'd have that mess straightened up lickety split.

For that matter, why weren't they over there planting weapons of mass distruction in the first place...did they just overlook that particular nefarious activity?

You know Bush's evil cadre certainly are inconsistent.
Note to Dennis: I only mildly dislike Elliot. But give him time.

I Hate Dennis York

Well, I do. Not only because he's a fun and hilarious and talented writer who consistently makes me think "man, I wish I'd written that." No, he also pulls out absolute gems of insight and wisdom like this one:

Take, for instance, this release from AFT-WI, which makes this amazing statement:

“…there is no significant positive correlation between the percentage of funds that districts spend on instruction and the percentage of students who score proficient or higher on state reading or math tests.”
WHAT? So what in the name of Lucifer's beard are we spending all that money on teachers for? If they truly believe that the amount of money we spend on instruction doesn't have anything to do with student proficiency, then I propose cutting the number of teachers in half. Think they'd be making the same argument then? They honestly believe that a district that spends 70% of its funds on administration wouldn't affect student performance?

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

BBA Poll: Southern Wisconsin Talk Radio

This week's BBA poll is about southern Wisconsin talk radio. (Sorry, northern Wisconsin. Your stations don't reach enough markets).

Who is your favorite southern Wisconsin talk radio personality/team?
Charlie Sykes
Mark Belling
Jeff Wagner
Vicki McKenna
Kathleen Dunn
Joel McNally
Jessica McBride
Jay Weber
The Early Spin
The Green House
Free polls from

Feingold in 2008

NRO's Kathryn Lopez thinks Sen. Russ Feingold will be the Democrats' Presidential nominee in 2008.

Lord, help us if she's right.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Do You Approve?

Mark Green's first tv ad.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Whitewater immigration protest

Yesterday afternoon while I was on my way to another event, I swung through Whitewater to get a glimpse of the big protest planned for three o'clock. I got there shortly after three, and here is the scene at that time.

I am going to resist the urge to comment on the odd logic in some of the signs, but I will say this much: They seemed fine with using the kids as a pity card.

Protestors were still trickling in when I had to leave a few minutes later. I'm told the protest reached a total of about 40 to 50 people.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Republican A.G. race

No yelling or throwing chairs, just laying out why I think the way I do about the A.G. race.

Blast From the Past - Protest Edition

Last September I posted about the anti-war protests going on nationally and locally, "Freedom of Expression."

Relatives of a person cited in the article, Karen Zierath, showed up to take issue with my comments - Amanda Zierath commented a few months ago and her father Richard commented today.

Together they're lengthy, particularly the latter. So's my response, which I felt belonged in its own post so I'm putting it here.


Richard, I hope you get to finish your post - it looks like haloscan cut you off. I'm also one of many generations of military servants, most notably from my grandfather's service in WWI to my father-in-law's service in WWII to my father's service in Korea, my husband's service in the Navy pre-Gulf I, and my close friend's current service in Afghanistan.

Time sure changes our view of things - I believe you're right about the level of current public support for the GWOT.

Unfortunately, polls and a massive anti-war push spearheaded by Dems (clearly visible in the hard tone of Hillary Clinton in recent committee hearings and in the Ned Lamont "victory") would have us believe that this is strictly a left-right polemic.

Personally and ideologically I agree with the senior Mrs. Zierath's issues over the two gulf wars, having been apprised of them by Amanda. It cost us dearly to have left the first war unfinished; it's a mistake we dare not repeat.

But it doesn't change my view of the exchanges that occurred during the protests of that period and the desire of many to use them for political gain. The chickenhawk argument particularly is extremely flawed logic and required a response.

For more of my views, you can easily access my blog, which is in the blogroll to the right - the BBA is a conservative association, but my views are my own.

Keep in mind that blogging is in nature satirical, farcical and comedic because of the limited abilities of rhetoric inherent in brief comments and soundbites. I rely on it a great deal while making bigger points in order to keep things on a lighter note, rather than descend to cheap or harsh rhetoric that so many blog debates resort to.

Neither is it the nature of blogging to do reporting per se that isn't occurring at the media level, unless the original writers are found greatly lacking and it is crucial to the discourse to delve further. Amanda might well have gripes, but they're really with the Gazette reporter.

My post is a commentary, not a report. A good J school should help illuminate the role, benefits and nature of blogs (UW Madison has a professor from my alma mater who specializes in this field).

Finally, my war-blogging is driven largely by your question: "The deep down serious question that I cannot answer is how to [sic] we change the enemies [sic] powerful ideological thinking?"

The answer is by sharing as much of ourselves as is possible - our willingness to fight for freedom not only for ourselves but also for others; our ability to critically discuss our culture and beliefs, particularly the freedom to dissent and live peacefully but not silently; and above all these things, our willingness to share their conditions and lives.

I believe that the armed forces can do a lot of this, but mission work must be done as well to obtain the kind of proximity it requires effectively. How can they know us by reading about us in the papers or hearing about us from their leaders?

I anticipate spending time doing these things in the future, as a teacher and hopefully as a healthcare worker in Afghanistan and Iraq. I hope to encourage others to begin considering similar activities and support.

Ode to Jib

Unflappable Jib debates immigration,
An issue behind current social conflagration.

Jib fights the good fight, supporting law enforcement;
For governor - for president! - he has our endorsement.

Moreover, he desires that employers be vigilant,
Ensuring their employees are law-abiding and legitimate.

Spearheading controversial discussion isn't new to Jib's plate,
He's long nurtured conservative blogging on this unique slate.

I expect that we agree on most of the issues at hand - illegal immigration, including the black marketers who supply the means, transportation and employment as well as the immigrants themselves and the managers who turn a blind eye to identity fraud, needs to be actively dealt with by law enforcement.
It is a significant problem for Wisconsin.

Re: the Whitewater case:

Allen Petrie's lawyer is making his case for the news, as are DAs Krueger and Donohoo in the article I cited. It weighs in Petrie's favor that there's a harrassment case against Whitewater Investigator Larry Meyer. The ICE are only mentioned as accompanying local PD on the final raid, and with regard to hearings after the arrests. It's only conjecture at this point about their further involvement, though it's common for outside agencies to coordinate with and use local enforcement officers.

However, unless the DA provides evidence of Petrie's culpability such as admissions in taped conversations or written acknowledgement, they've got bubkus on Petrie. So far they've failed to mention it; doesn't mean it ain't there.

Beyond that, more remains to be seen. On closer reading of the article, the immigration issue is primary - indeed, it's the title of the original post - but the issue is being framed by PD reps and the DA's office as being about identity fraud. This is another of many serious problems connected with illegal immigration.

Employers do have a moral obligation to observe the law, moreover, it's in their own best interest. But from the standpoint of the rights of private citizens, law enforcement needs to be extremely circumspect, which it doesn't appear to be in this case at first blush.

Note to self: edit out non-germane points of argument such as what you had for breakfast and whether you're ecstatically happy or not; also, send Jib a pound of honey and a pound of bees ;-)

Re: Whitewater immigration enforcement

I'm not irritated in the least, but I'll get to why towards the end of this post. First, I'd like to address Tee Bee's points.

First, the employer did do what was legally required of him. That doesn't make him instantly innocent, however. He still cannot knowingly employee illegal immigrants, even if they have the "right papers." I do not know any specifics in this case, but I do know of some other companies within a 60 mile radius of Whitewater that, while they had collected the required forms of ID, they also knew exactly who was legal and who wasn't. That determination was not made based on skin color or language, but instead made merely by having daily contact with the workers and learning it over time.

Second, if I had to venture a guess, Whitewater was trying to deal with this locally without getting the Feds involved by making it clear to these companies that they knew who their illegal employees were and encouraging those companies to no longer be hospitable to employing those illegals. Local police departments are not integrated with ICE, and most would be overwhelmed in terms of time and resources if they tried to go through the proper channels with every person they had contact with who was an illegal. My read of this is that Whitewater came up with effective and novel approach to deal with its illegal immigrants, and they tried to do it with the cooperation of local businesses. When Star Products did not cooperate, they probably had their hands forced and at that point they took it to ICE, which is the proper agency for this.

Third, again, based off of what I read in the Janesville Gazette article, it looks like Whitewater took the lead on this, not ICE. That means that ICE did not target Whitewater because it is a small town and the fall out would be less. ICE would have had a huge PR problem on their hands had it become public that they had ignored a request by a city to look into a local business that was known to be employing 25 illegals.

Finally, I don't see this as a case of intimidation. Keep in mind that the charges that Whitewater Rock and Mulch have filed are only the half of the story from a company that probably received unwanted attention from the local police department. After reading the Gazette article, I actually applaud the city of Whitewater for taking charge of a thorny national issue on a local basis. I wish more cities would do so and help/force the Feds to do their jobs.

I am a fan of this action because of a personal experience I had a couple of years back. At a previous address of mine, I had started to receive mail from the DMV and courts to a Latino male that did not live at my residence. Shortly thereafter, the Whitewater PD picked up that individual on a traffic stop. I'm not going to get into the details of how they figured it out, but they did figure out that this male did not live at my residence, and they figured out that he was not here legally. I do not know what came of the case, but the use of my address by that individual ceased. I am imminently thankful that it was only my address that was used and not any of my other personal information, and I am also thankful that this individual was never suspected of anything too serious, because it would have been my home that would have had a warrant served and/or a raid staged. I am also thankful that the Whitewater PD was able to be proactive on that case. As I'm reading this story, this is just another example of Whitewater creatively and legally doing its part to limit illegal immigrants, and the negative consequences related to them, in its city.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Not Necessarily the News

At the end of a long week of political turmoil, regional strife, thwarted terrorism and faux-to blogging, Marybeth points to a little levity over at the Banterist:

The 2006 Photo(shop) Journalism Awards.

My favorite entry:

"Israeli helicopters converge on a group of happy children having a wonderful day and minding their business. (Adnan Hajj for Reuters)"



WSJ Editorial.

In short, Democrats who claim to want "focus" on the war on terror have wanted it fought without the intelligence, interrogation and detention tools necessary to win it. And if they cite "cooperation" with our allies as some kind of magical answer, they should be reminded that the British and other European legal systems generally permit far more intrusive surveillance and detention policies than the Bush Administration has ever contemplated. Does anyone think that when the British interrogate those 20 or so suspects this week that they will recoil at harsh or stressful questioning?

See: Opinion Journal for the whole thing!

Re: Immigration Whitewater

This story irritates me for several reasons, and all those "free market" supporters should be sounding off for their own separate reasons.

There's more to the story.

First, the employer did what was required of him. Given the low level of English among many first- and second-generation immigrants, it's not reasonable for him to suspect them simply because they are brown and speak Spanish. Do not be tricked down this slippery slope.

Second, the investigating officer could easily have contacted INS and asked for the appropriate follow-up. We do have a department for this; if they aren't doing their job, that's another matter.

Third, why hit the small-fry in small towns? Because political fallout will be minimal. kneenor's point in the comments is dead-on about certain areas where this kind of investigation and follow-up should be happening but isn't.

Finally, it looks like rather than using the proper channels to uphold the law, Whitewater officials are using intimidation to force employers to do investigation that isn't required of them.

The laws should change to reflect the greater need of our state for background checks; hassling smaller businesses isn't the way to accomplish this, and frankly I'm peeved that tax dollars and police time is being wasted this way.

How the Times are changing or Another Right bites the dust

Oh how the Times have changed, or will have to. Yesterday, a federal court ruled that the government may prosecute a private citizen who illegally receive and retransmit classified information in the case United States v. Rosen. The judge, T.S. Ellis said:

both common sense and the relevant precedent point persuasively to the conclusion that the government can punish those outside of the government for the unauthorized receipt and deliberate retransmission of information relating to the national defense.

In effect the judge ruled that any First Amendment concerns regarding freedom of speech involving national defense information can be superseded by national security considerations. Could the recent New York Times leaks of classified information by the Times reporters be an example? Some have called for the prosecution of the Times while others see this as another weakening of our civil rights that are slowly getting whittled away.

I tend to think the later, and no, it's not the Bush Administration. There needs to be a balance between our national security and the right to know. I have to think that news outlets are going to start thinking twice or at a minimum, consult with the Feds before divulging classified leaks. It's all the other rights that have been whittled away, and most of those by judicial activism that infuriate me. Examples are 2nd Amendment, Property rights, mandated helmet laws, booster seats, seat belt laws, ordinances, licensing laws, tax laws, etc...

Chime in with your example of how our rights are getting whittled away or comments on classifed news leaks.

Chris - OTBL

Immigration Whitewater

One story that has flown beneath the radar over the past 24 hours was an illegal immigrant raid by the feds in Whitewater.

The raid happened Tuesday at Star Packaging in Whitewater.

Authorities arrested the company owner and 25 other workers.

Investigators are asking prosecutors to charge the owner with employing workers without proper documentation to work in the U.S.

It is nice to see this kind of enforcement against companies that are employing illegal immigrants. The owner of this company was taken to jail. Just the same, while the authorities raided this one company in a city of 12,000, they probably could have also raided others in that same small town. Enforcement of labor laws is an important component of enforcing immigration laws, but there is a monumental amount of work to be done on that front. If there is one, two, three companies employing illegal immigrants in a small city like Whitewater, can you imagine the number of companies doing this in larger cities like a Fond du Lac, an Eau Claire, a Green Bay, a Madison, or a Milwaukee?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Near-attack should shake to the core

I don't know about you all, but my heart still drops every time I see a "Special Report," or an "Urgent News Update" flash across my television screen.

I guess I'm always fearful that something like the attacks of September 11, 2001 will happen again.

Thank God, thank God that British officials were vigilant. I almost don't want to know how close we were to another tragedy.

I had a conversation with a coworker this morning regarding what the anti-war left's response would be to the latest attempted terrorist attack. Although this should not be the case, this will have no effect. It should make them realize how vital the war on terror is. Will it?

Of course not.

All the more reason to keep them out of elected positions.

New poll

Here is the latest BBA poll. Feel free to discuss in the comments.

Would a low turnout hurt Mark Green's chances in November?
Don't know
Free polls from

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"Mr. Campaign Finance Reform"

Enjoyed this so much, I made a picture of it.

Here's what it reads if you can't make it out.


WASHINGTON (AP) _ Sen. Russ Feingold will be giving a $5,000 political action committee contribution to Ned Lamont, the anti-war businessman who defeated three-term Sen. Joe Lieberman in the Democratic primary Tuesday in Connecticut, Feingold PAC spokesman Trevor Miller said Wednesday.

Posted at 2:35 PM

Russ Feingold, man of principle.

(Yeah right.)


Somewhere in the area of $60 million bucks invested so far and has finally won an election.

They beat a Democrat.


While the looniest of the left is in celebratory mode today I'll remind them 48% of Democrats in a very liberal state voted for a pro-war candidate.

That is not a plurality, that is not an agenda, that fortells nothing. What it says is Democrats are split on the war.


In fact, the odds of Lamont winning are almost zero. Either Liebermann will fracture off Democrat, Independent and Republican votes and win, or Lamont and Libermann will split the vote allowing Alan Schlesinger to win for the GOP. I would put the odds at 70% Liebermann, 29% Schlesinger, 1% Lamont.

So, enjoy your victory Mr. Soros, I wonder which Democrat he will go after next?

Pull My Finger!

Hey you dere, pull my finger! Hehehehe, I thought of this one years ago but of course the credit goes to those who do.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

History Lesson, yesterday and today.

The following history lesson was sent to me by CyberDad. He gets the importance of history and studying it in order to gain perspective in today's conflict.

All the left wants to do is talk Viet Nam (did you know John Kerry served in Viet Nam?), Cyber Dad takes us back a few years earlier.

In 1864: "Lincoln's main opponent, George B. McClellan (Note 1) marched to an easy nomination by Democrats . . . The same Democratic convention that had enthusiastically chosen him also adopted a platform plank proposed by the "Copperhead" Vallandigham (Note 2). The "peace" plank called the Union was effort "a failure" and proposed a truce and peach negotiation with the Confederates. Once stopped, of course, the federal (read Northern) war machine could not be restarted. Acceptance of the Vallandigham Plank essentially meant the Democratic Party was calling for the surrender in the Civil War."

Today, August 8, 2006, Joe Lieberman is threatened loss of the Democratic nomination by anti-war proponents. Recently, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Pace said "Our enemy knows they cannot defeat us in battle. They do believe, however, that they can wear down our will as a nation."
Senator Hillary Clinton is calling the administration's was policy a failure, and Senator Carl Levin is fixated on timetables for withdrawal instead of defeating those who want to destroy the elected government of Iraq (Note 3).

Add to that the anti-war "cut and run" proponents such as Congressman Murtha and Senator Feingold!

Once again, those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.

(Note 1) - McClellan was one of the Union's generals dismissed by Lincoln not for being pompous (which he was), but for procrastinating in pursuit of the war.

(Note 2) - Clement Vallandigham was an Ohio Democrat who demanded the Union accept a French offer of mediation which assumed Southern independence from the Union. Lincoln saved him from conviction of disloyalty with the statement "Must I shoot a simple soldier boy who deserts while I must not touch a hair of the wily agitator who induces him to desert? Copperheads got their name from the copper pennies with a Liberty head figure. Union advocates added the reference to the poisonous snake.

(Note 3) - From an August 8, 2006 column by Cal Thomas.

Powerful Stuff, Eh?

Absolutely CyberDad, absolutely. Even 150 years ago the Democrats were all worried about the French and touting cut and run.

Abraham Lincoln was not popular then, look at how he is reveered now. In the future, awww never mind they'll never get it.

Thanks CyberDad.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Reason To Vote

Cross-Posted at Texas Hold 'Em Blogger.

Hat tip to Captain Ed at Captain’s Quarters.

Byron York at National Review Online gives Republican voters a good reason to show up at the polls no matter what the dissatisfaction is with President Bush and Congressional Republicans.

John Conyers, the Michigan Democrat who would become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee should the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives, has a report entitled The Constitution In Crisis; The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War, and Illegal Domestic Surveillance.

What this is is a roadmap to impeachment of President Bush, according to York. The I-word isn’t used anywhere except in the footnotes, but take a look at the sources used in compiling this report:

… citations of authorities ranging from the left-wing conspiracy website to the left-wing antiwar sites and to the left-wing British newspaper the Guardian to the left-wing magazines The Nation and Mother Jones to the left-wing blogosphere favorite Murray Waas to the New York Times columnists Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd, Bob Herbert, and Frank Rich to former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal to the New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh. (Sources for “The Constitution in Crisis” even include one story co-written by the disgraced Internet writer Jason Leopold.) Relying on such material, Conyers has created what might be called the definitive left-wing blogger’s history of the Bush administration.

Some of the Left’s desire to impeach Bush is get-even-with-’em emotions pent up from the impeachment of Bill Clinton, admittedly.

And much of it stems from Algore losing the 2000 election and the contested Florida recounts.
But much of it is the manifestation of Bush Derangement Syndrome, a desire to undo two elections and do what they were unable to do: defeat George W. Bush at the ballot box.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What do we love about the Wisconsin State Fair?

The beer tents? Sure.
The great beer-battered foods like deep-fried artichoke hearts? Of course!
The live music like Shinedown? Oh yeah, you betchya.
The fascinating exhibits like the DNR Park? Oh, gosh yeah!

But there are so many more things to do that make those special memories you treasure forever. I can think of one right now - one of those moments you just had to be there for.

Thanks for coming out, Sean, Nick, Kevin, Aaron, Dean and Mrs. Thoughtful, and of course L, my better half!

Next time let's go see the bunnies and chickens, okay?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

RE: Hicks Underpaid?

Here is a solution from OnTheBorderLine as asked by first commenter in prior post, Joe.

And is there a sloution to the district's problem other than finger pointing?
Or are you a 'cut and run' from public schools.

I have been watching the current debate over our state budget situation with great interest and it has become apparent that the Republicans (who hold 60 percent of the assembly seats right now) have a proposal composed of four parts: two parts I dare you, one part I double-dare you, and one part principle. Clearly, this proposal is more political than effective in the long term. Do I favor a freeze in property taxes? Well, yes - sort of.

I would much rather see a market driven solution come out of Madison that would make a freeze unnecessary. Unfortunately, there are no legislators who seem to be able to put two and two together and come up with four - they keep coming up with five or six! There is, however, a real solution to our state’s budget woes. It is also, not surprisingly, a solution to our educational debate. It is my humble wish that any legislators within eyeshot of this blog entry will consider my solution as follows. Certainly there would be details to work out but the following will eliminate the need for a tax freeze debate and would likely make a TABOR far more palatable.What? How can this be? Read on…

Currently, the State of Wisconsin educates roughly 880,000 students from the ages of 4 to 20. This is all done for free, so says the state constitution. Interestingly, when one looks into our state budget we find that this free education actually costs the taxpayers of this state roughly $9 billion dollars. While nobody sees even a scintilla of logic in that constitutional provision, most on the left point to this (including the Governor) as all they need to spend more and more on K-12 education. After all, it’s free money. Well, therein is the solution.

If you run the numbers, you will find that K-12 education is not free to anyone, and that it actually costs the taxpayers of Wisconsin roughly $10,300 per student. If you adjust this number for the cost of living, Wisconsin ranks either number one, or very close to it, on a nation-wide basis. Such spending is unsustainable, ergo the need for a TABOR. Now, if you also look at what it costs to educate a child outside of the public schools you find that it is roughly one-half the cost, or approximately $5,000. This ratio of 2:1 is, by the way, found almost nationwide and provides a clear solution to our current budget situation.

For purposes of this example, let us round the numbers to $10,000 and $5,000. The differential between them then is $5,000. So, the question to pose to our legislators is this: How many $5,000 dollar units would it take to remedy our current budget situation? Stated differently, how many students would you have to pull out of the public school system and place into lower cost private schools to solve most of your budget problem? By approaching public education in this way, would you save other costs now born by taxpayers over a longer term?

The answer is pretty clear. Currently, the state is looking at an approximate shortfall of 1.5 billion dollars over two years. Given that we have 880,000 students in the system, if you were to provide economic incentives for parents to send their children to non-public schools you would need 150,000 of the 880,000 (17%) of them to leave at a differential of $5,000 to cause a savings to the state of roughly $1.5 billion dollars over two years. What makes this option very interesting is that numerous nationwide studies have shown that upwards of 50% of parents would, if they could, send their children to a private school. We only need 17%, so clearly this is a matter where pure parental choice and the market place can solve our budget and tax nightmare.

If the proper incentive system (such as a statewide education tax credit) were in place, we could solve many of our long-term state budget woes because the onus would be on the private sector to build new buildings and hire quality teachers. The efficiency of the market as well as competition for pupils would keep the costs down over the long run. Until and unless legislators come to grips with the simple fact that it is our state’s monopoly over education that has created an incurable and systematic problem for funding education we will never solve the matter - it will only get worse. The sooner citizens, the Governor and all of our legislators come to grips with this reality the sooner we can get on with the real job of public education through a real market for the education of our children. That will set the stage for a truly free society, far higher quality of graduates, and far less argument amongst the citizenry. A TABOR would place constraints on the public schools that survive so that they would live within our means, a concept that is, by the way, way over due.

In closing, I would ask readers to ponder why it is that we have insisted for so long on a state monopoly over education. What is it that you are afraid of, capitalism and free markets created the most affluent and successful nation in the history of the world. A nation that is more charitable and compassionate than any other country. Why not allow the same dynamo to work in the realm of education? If one is truly interested in America housing the best in educational options and results, you need go no further than three of our greatest weapons - choice, freedom and the market. Our state motto is “Forward,” we ought to be leading the charge then in real educational choice and individual freedom, rather than compulsion, socialism and confiscatory taxation - Let’s get on with it!

Look for more coming soon.

Hicks Underpaid?


Even though the Journal Times is trying to claim one of two things and Racine Unified Superintendent Tom Hicks:

  • Hicks is underpaid and as such is a bargain or;
  • Racine taxpayers are cheapskates who aren’t willing to pony up enough money for a quality superintendent

Facts are stubborn things: RUSD is one of the — if not the — worst run school district in the state. Its graduation rate is the second worst (only to MPS), the test scores in reading and math are flat or declining.

And the district spends over $10,000 per student for this absurdity.

One thing to ask when an article like this appears: Why now? What’s the reason for this to appear? What’s the agenda being served?

Also, I have a challenge for the district:

I am willing to bet my house that I can do Tom Hicks’s job better than he can for no more than half the money (don’t forget — the $144,000 salary figure doesn’t include the Rolls Royce benefits package worth almost $45,000).

Hey RUSD: Wanna take me up on that?

Cross-posted at Texas Hold 'Em Blogger.

Friday, August 04, 2006

See Real-Life Webloggers at State Fair Saturday

Here's a reminder that the BBA invades the Wisconsin State Fair tomorrow starting at 12:30 under the microbrew tent. All webloggers and weblog readers who can make it are invited. There will be good talk and a prize to whoever brings the most "interesting" food on a stick. If no one shows up I'll stuff my face with deep-fried twinkies until I puke. You'll feel bad if that happens...I know you will.

Rightroots: Oasis or Mirage?

Who's jumping on the Rightroots bandwagon?

Rightroots is an Emily's List - or more accurately, netroots* - for "candidates who actually want to win the War on Terror, secure our borders, and cut spending and taxes," according to Patrick Ruffini, the GOP's eCampaign Director. It's being coordinated through ABC PAC.

Who's behind Rightroots? Ruffini notes the founding blogmembers: John Hawkins, Right Wing News; Mary Katherine Ham, Townhall; Robert Bluey, Human Events; Erick Erickson, Redstate; Ed Morrissey, Captain's Quarters; Patrick Hynes, Ankle Biting Pundits; Lorie Byrd, Wizbang.

Congressman Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) has pledged support if Rightroots can raise $26,000 by midnight tonight.

The advantage I see to this is the quick coordination and involvement of the very strong conservative bloggers. I also like the fact that while Rightroots makes recommendations of who needs money and why, they don't designate your contributions - you do.

All that leaves is candidates who give more than lip service to GWOT, border control and fiscal restraint.

If you like it, add it to your blogroll. If not, I'd like to hear about it.

*According to Hawkins, "as of last night about 11:59 PM, the "netroots" had managed to already raise $386,968.31 for [Democratic candidates]."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chris Runs Out of Steam

Sorry, Chris, looks like your aspirations of vicarious fame via a storm of Biblical proportions seems less and less likely.

Chris Runs Out of Steam in the Caribbean

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Tropical Storm Chris rapidly ran out of steam Thursday morning as it pushed across the eastern Caribbean, prompting forecasters to say it was unlikely to become a hurricane.

Hard to believe, but if the AP reports it, it must be true.

9/11 As A Comedy Skit

Cross-posted at Texas Hold 'Em Blogger.

Michelle Malkin has all the details.

Apparently the BBC — British Bullshat Corporation — thinks enough time has passed in order to turn the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks into a comedy skit.

Including are a jetliner attack on Parliament similar to those on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as well as the assassination of Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Real knee-slapping humor. As funny as a crutch.

And this from people who were attacked by Al Qaeda themselves a little over a year ago.

Where are the hand-wringers who were all upset that it was “too soon” after 9/11 to make United 93 and are saying the same thing about the upcoming World Trade Center film?

Probably laughing at this skit.

By the way, don’t forget about how up-in-arms the BBC was about possibly offending Muslims by actually showing the Danish cartoons.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


What Mel Gibson said when arrested for driving drunk was despicable, they were vile comments and he was rightly criticized for it.

BUT... There is always a BUT

Why does Mel Gibson's terrible words garnish so much press coverage, but a man that breaks into a locked Seattle Jewish Community Center, takes a teenage hostage, then calls 911 and tells them, "This is a hostage situation and I want these Jews to get out." He later added, "These are Jews and I'm tired of getting pushed around and our people getting pushed around by the situation in the Middle East."

He then then announces to everyone, "I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel" then starts shooting, murdering one, wounding five others, including one that was pregnant. Why does this get so little coverage.

...But it's Mel Gibson's words that have everyone upset.

The Cost of Compassionate Conservatism

In today's Washington Post, Claremont Prof. Andrew Busch discusses the Republican party's future:

On the surface, the Republican Party appears to be better poised now than at any time since Calvin Coolidge. Republicans have controlled both houses of Congress for more than a decade (interrupted briefly by Senator James Jeffords's defection in mid-2001), occupied the White House for the last five years, and held a majority of governorships since the 1994 elections. In short, the GOP has come a long way since 1968 or 1980.

So why are Republicans feeling so sour in 2006? Having now held power in Congress for over a decade, there is a sense that the corruption-fighting revolutionaries of 1994 have now become what they once opposed--a problem starkly symbolized by Duke Cunningham's boat house and Ted Stevens's bridge to nowhere. The Republican coalition, considerably bigger than it was in 1975, is now much harder to hold together. More generally, Republican discontent is driven by a growing sense of philosophical malaise--a sense that the party has become unmoored from its most basic philosophical commitments, and that elected Republicans no longer seek power to advance their principles but for its own sake. For Republicans, this transformation is potentially devastating.

My extended comments are here: "Compassionate Conservatism: Death of the Conservative Movement?"

A young Wisconsin Fonzie wannabe

This is unreal.

MENOMONIE, Wis. (AP) — You may have to look twice, but yes, that's a baby water-skiing on Tainter Lake in western Wisconsin.

Twenty-two-month-old Cole Marsolek of Menomonie took up water-skiing last Wednesday on a training ski.

If it were my kid, I'd deck him out in a leather jacket when he skied. I'm wondering how long it will be before this kid "jumps the shark." Literally.

Uff da. Norwegians of Wisconsin unite!

Look out, German descendants of Southern Wisconsin. My fellow Norwegian descendants are gathering in Eau Claire this weekend.

Dixie Hansen, president of Nord Hedmark og Hedemarken and the registrar of the stevne, said people can expect a full range of experiences related to their Norwegian roots.

“We try to pick areas where there are dense populations of Norwegian ancestry for our event,” she said. “Eau Claire, because of the logging industry, has a pretty big population.”

I didn't read anything about viking pillaging and looting practices, but I see sectarian violence on Wisconsin's horizon as two of the state's major ethnic groups chafe over which nationality's signature dish is better, lutefisk or wienerschnitzel.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Media bias in Baraboo?

Maybe not. Maybe just a vast general ignorance about conservatives and conservatism.

Over the past few months, I've actually defended my hometown newspaper against accusations of liberal bias. I just didn't see it.

Now, I'm not so sure. Now that they've published what I consider an arrogant, ignorant, wannabe-liberal Democrat-lapdog editorial (not online, but reproduced here) about embryonic stem cell research, and about the objections and concerns many of us raise about that research.

Here's an excerpt:

While George W. Bush has made some missteps in his presidency, last week may have been his biggest when he used his first presidential veto to block funding for stem cell research.
Did you spot the inaccuracies? Now, see if you can find the Edwardsian hyperbole and the barely-suppressed disgust with Christian morality in this one:

We wonder why the president has apparently ignored the most pragmatic and promising science in favor of arbitrary deadlines and sentimentality.
It was crying for a fisking, so I obliged.

And, since that didn't cure me of it, I wrote a column.

Re: Churchill is not only not alone—he is quite common.

Another fine example of character among the purveyors of higher education:

May I present Dr. Deborah Frisch, adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, and visiting blogger.

If you'd like to help a blogger out (with the cost of getting all the lawyerly stuff taken care of as well as buying more rounds for the armadillo's glock), click over to Jeff's post.

Churchill is not only not alone—he is quite common.

Scary stuff from American Council of Trustees & Alumni

Ever since tenured ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill called victims of 9/11 “little Eichmanns,” he has become the veritable poster boy for extremism in American academe. In How Many Ward Churchills?, ACTA places Churchill in context and finds—based on a broad survey of publicly available materials—that Ward Churchill is not only not alone—he is quite common. The study concludes that throughout Americam higher education, professors are using their classrooms to push political agendas in the name of teaching students to think critically. Calling on institutions to “take steps to guarantee a proper balance between students' academic freedom to learn and professors' academic freedom to teach, research, and publish,” the study offers concrete steps colleges and universities can take to ensure a vibrant learning environment.

To read the report, click here(PDF).

Chris - OTBL

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