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Sic Semper Tyrannis

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

History Lesson, yesterday and today.

The following history lesson was sent to me by CyberDad. He gets the importance of history and studying it in order to gain perspective in today's conflict.

All the left wants to do is talk Viet Nam (did you know John Kerry served in Viet Nam?), Cyber Dad takes us back a few years earlier.

In 1864: "Lincoln's main opponent, George B. McClellan (Note 1) marched to an easy nomination by Democrats . . . The same Democratic convention that had enthusiastically chosen him also adopted a platform plank proposed by the "Copperhead" Vallandigham (Note 2). The "peace" plank called the Union was effort "a failure" and proposed a truce and peach negotiation with the Confederates. Once stopped, of course, the federal (read Northern) war machine could not be restarted. Acceptance of the Vallandigham Plank essentially meant the Democratic Party was calling for the surrender in the Civil War."

Today, August 8, 2006, Joe Lieberman is threatened loss of the Democratic nomination by anti-war proponents. Recently, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Pace said "Our enemy knows they cannot defeat us in battle. They do believe, however, that they can wear down our will as a nation."
Senator Hillary Clinton is calling the administration's was policy a failure, and Senator Carl Levin is fixated on timetables for withdrawal instead of defeating those who want to destroy the elected government of Iraq (Note 3).

Add to that the anti-war "cut and run" proponents such as Congressman Murtha and Senator Feingold!

Once again, those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.

(Note 1) - McClellan was one of the Union's generals dismissed by Lincoln not for being pompous (which he was), but for procrastinating in pursuit of the war.

(Note 2) - Clement Vallandigham was an Ohio Democrat who demanded the Union accept a French offer of mediation which assumed Southern independence from the Union. Lincoln saved him from conviction of disloyalty with the statement "Must I shoot a simple soldier boy who deserts while I must not touch a hair of the wily agitator who induces him to desert? Copperheads got their name from the copper pennies with a Liberty head figure. Union advocates added the reference to the poisonous snake.

(Note 3) - From an August 8, 2006 column by Cal Thomas.

Powerful Stuff, Eh?

Absolutely CyberDad, absolutely. Even 150 years ago the Democrats were all worried about the French and touting cut and run.

Abraham Lincoln was not popular then, look at how he is reveered now. In the future, awww never mind they'll never get it.

Thanks CyberDad.