Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Monday, May 08, 2006

Andrea Clarke, Sister of DUer

Via the Corner, Andrea Clarke died yesterday.

Andrea's sister, Melanie Childers, forwarded a note to Doll, posted at Freedom Watch:
Andrea passed away peacefully a little before 3pm today, with her family and her friends at her bedside. We love her so very much and we are going to miss her terribly. We hope that the battle that we fought for our sister will bring to light and bear witness to the horrible acts committed in the name of ethics in hospitals across the state of Texas.

Read the rest.

Thanks to Melanie for sharing her family's fight. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Previous: Help the sister of a DU'er, Re: Help the sister of a DU'er, Update: Help the sister of a DUer.