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Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, May 04, 2006

State Senate votes to keep sticking it to us

Is anyone Surprised that the GutlessOP lead State Senate voted to keep the Minimumn Mark up law. A great quote in the MJS DAYWATCH section

"High gas prices are an international and national issue that is "way beyond our reach," said Sen. Bob Jauch (D-Poplar)," Fixed

I agree there is nothing Mr Jauch and his fellow Senators could do to lower gas prices. There is no way they could lower the State Gas Tax or enact a gas Tax holiday. There is no way they could have removed this asinine(Paul taught me that word) minimum mark up law.

Yes its more important to protect mom and pop gas station from Wal-mart then cutting the price of gas. Question how many mom and pop stations out there are not owned by Exxon/Mobil or British Petroleum? Almost every station I see "Up North" is a BP or a Mobil. What Wal-Mart is so evil and powerful the Evil and Powerful Oil Corporations cannot stand up to them?

This is just another reason to walk away from the RPW with "friends" like this who needs enemies.

Gutless wonders, These SOB's cannot live without the 31.1 cpg tax and will not remove this 9% required mark up which is just another type of tax. Gee are you not glad the GOP is running the Senate protecting us from all those high taxes .......oh wait they are not protecting us for all those high taxes hmmm tell me again why we should support the RPW?


Update I would like to apologize for saying Bob Jauch was a Republican I fell victim to the dumbest thing a person can do, I trusted something I read in the MJS. Wont happen again. But to the person who in the comments thought this mistake made me an idiot could you please tell me what the difference between Republican and Democrats is anymore? I cant see much of a difference. In the end I stand by the post The GOP can pass any bill they want without one Dem vote so Mr Jauch party affilation aside the failure to repeal the Min mark up law is a GOP failure.