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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Post's Pardon Quota

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff notes the Washington Post's Pardon Quota:

The increasingly shrill Washington Post editorial page attacks President Bush for not granting enough pardons. The Post is unable to cite any instance in which the administration denied a worthy pardon request. It relies instead on the number of pardons granted by other presidents.

But here too the Post fails to make a case. It acknowledges in a parenthetical that Bush has actually granted more pardons than President Clinton had at the same stage in his presidency, prior to Clinton's going-out-of-business pardon spree. Did the Post castigate Clinton on this score at the end of his fifth year?

Mirengoff has more blast for the Post's cheap stab at Bush. Smacks of a slow news day, pre-prepped story to me. Someone phoned this one in.

Note to Post editors: Your readers deserve better.