Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Wouldn't it be great if Gregg Underheim won, just to see the media react?

Lance here, taking advantage of the combination of Jib's generosity and his being so busy at work.

Got an email from a fellow named Bob Stenson, who blogs at a site called

He sent me a post regarding the Underheim/Burmaster debate. Bob saw the final debate between the two, and couldn't believe what he saw.

Here's Bob's whole post.

Here's an edited excerpt (emphasis added):

...then, they were to each ask a question of the other to wrap it up. Gregg Underheim asked his question first...

Burmaster asked a totally irrelevant question...

This is where it gets weird.

With Gregg's answer, Burmaster gave out a cackling laugh like the wicked witch of the West on the Wizard of Oz.

The public TV station then switched over to a slick slide show again that gave a sales pitch for keeping the full 2/3 funding and why it was very bad if anything happened to that. After the slide show, the camera returned to the moderator and Burmaster and Underheim. From that point on, the moderator and Burmaster debated Underheim on this point with no pretense of impartiality.

Think of that. The public radio had a slide shows prepared to support Burmaster. These were prepared ahead of time to support Burmaster's argument. They had the presentations all queued up and ready to go ahead of time. They moved into them without a hitch. I'm surprised that PBS would trade all of what they have left of their credibility for one political race. Actually, I'm not surprised at anything from these liberals any more.

I don't know about the laws regarding this sort of thing. It was certainly unethical. The moderator was in on it. Burmaster was in on it. Who else was in on it? Will anyone lose their jobs?

We should de-fund public TV. It's as bad as public radio.

Now, here's the kicker. I got a chance to meet and to talk to Gregg Underheim today. I asked him about this rigged debate. He was never aware of these little power point slide shows going on and was amazed to hear that it was happening. What a scam. Your tax dollars at work scamming the public at PBS!

If Gregg Underheim gets elected, both the teacher's union and the mainstream media are going to throw a conniption fit. More than enough reason for me.

Vote Underheim!