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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Wisconsin Winner & Loser of the week

I must admit that this week I have not covered local events as closely as the depressing national news of Terri Schiavo and Pope John Paul II, but I have not been ignoring local news.

Winner: Owen, from Boots & Sabers -- Owen broke a story that got Milwaukee County governments attention this week. He posted a picture of a county owned vehicle driving through the streets of an Illinois town on Easter Sunday. Within hours of posting this image, County Executive Scott Walker started the process to get to the bottom of the story. The result can be seen at Boots & Sabers, but I will summarize by saying that this was a victory for The Alternative Media! Congratulation Owen, you did good buddy!

Honorable Mention -- Kudos go out to Tim Carpenter and the other state legislators that have been fighting to repeal the April Fools Day tax hike.

Loser: Governor Jim Doyle -- Jim Doyle has introduced a plan that he says will fight vote fraud, but if you look at the plan, it does nothing. There is little in there that can really be said is bad, it's just that there is nothing good either. No requirement for a photo ID and no restrictions on same day registration. These are what is needed to fight fraud, but they are not addressed, he talks about more training for poll workers and deputy registrars...Sounds good, but does nothing. He also wants to expand "early voting", this is not a good thing as this system is the easiest to cheat with. This is a lame plan Doyle, we need real reform!

Dishonorable Mention -- I have to point out that the Republican leadership in Wisconsin's legislature has been blocking the efforts to repeal the latest un-voted-for gas tax hike...Shameful!

This is a weekly feature at My View of the World.