Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Re: Attention!


I hear you. It probably is all the reading of Jonah Goldberg that has me thinking like that.

I have long seen what you point out. However, Chedhead in a commentary response states:
...classical Liberalsim is what most Conservatives in America believe in. The bastardization of that ideal was fought as far back as J.F.K. W.F. Buckley stood astride history and stated Stop. This was in response to the hijacking of liberalism by the leftist Communist. The leftists have polluted the ideal and have sullied the word Liberal.
Click here for the full comment.

Now, many may say "just words" but words are important. I am fed to the teeth with leftists looking in the dictionary and pointing out liberal is no perjorative. It really is not, but it certainly is not what the crowd I pointed out (e.g. Thugo, OCindy, George Galloway et al) in my last blog are.

Chedhead is right on the money when he says ...the hijacking of liberalism by the leftist Communist[s]. No matter how its sliced Communism and socialism is NOT liberal since it dictates to people how to obtain and how to utilize their wealth.

To be sure, some of these folk on the left can be considered socially liberal but they lose it when trying to control and seize the private wealth of others. Without economic freedom (which is not the same as being free from want) social liberalism is meaningless and soon extinguished itself.

We believe we have defeated the old USSR but the ideals of the old USSR are still alive and well and while the national entity the USSR is gone its ideals still wrack us like a neurotoxin paralyzing our societies (in some cases it is more like a cancer) against very illiberal philosophies.