Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Poll Dates

Patrick in his post points out that the new Rasmussen numbers are from January 23rd, the day before the Thompson indictment.

However, the most recent polling date is from
the Strategic Vision Poll, which was from January 27-29. Which makes it the first poll after the indictment.

My analysis of those numbers can be read here.)

They had vs. Doyle numbers of -1% for Green, and -6% for Walker. It also had Green with a head-to-head lead over Walker by 8%.

There are no head-to-head numbers between Walker and Green in the Rasmussen poll. At least of those that are free and accessible to the public via the link above.

My point in all this is I've seen a lot of spin on the Rasmussen Poll as "Good for Scott, Bad for Mark" out there; when the fact is the most recent poll data, from Strategic Vision, shows us otherwise.

I know, as the one of the few openly Pro-Green guys here in the BBA, I'm more than outnumbered here by Pro-Walker folks. Good things by Walker are highlighted and cheered. Bad things by Green are highlighted and jeered.

But facts are facts, polls are polls, money raised is money raised, and in the end, the one thing I want more than anything out of the 2006 Election Cycle is this: Jim Doyle out of office as Governor of the Badger State.