Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Start Blogging

We all see those bumper stickers that say “Imagine this” or “Imagine that”. The one we see most is “Imagine World Peace”. You've see that on many euphorians minuscule vehicles covered with other political stickers. You also see them on many Volvo's or other high priced vehicles with some gray haired lady driving and maybe with a Kerry/Edwards sticker in addition. Those stickers invoke meaning, be they stereotypical. How about “W”. Most people know what “W” stands for on a bumper sticker. Our president. They must be in support of our President. We also see the “Support our Troops” ribbon stickers and magnets also, with a host of other ribbon type messages. Do you suppose it it really just a matter of marketing, not the specific cause they proclaim to support? Imagine making a dime for every yellow magnet you've seen. I guess the colors mean something. They are implicitly, forms of symbolism. We know what the yellow one means as well as the pink.

Also, I see contradictions of the symbolism they convey. If you support the troops, shouldn't you support the President? He is the Commander in Chief. What about those who have a “Say No to War” sticker, but also have a “Pro-Choice” one? Doesn't more life get killed in one than the other? You know what I mean. Another example would be the sticker that has a fish walking out of the water. That in itself is someone who believes in evolution. But I wonder how many of those people who have those stickers go to church. Do we give meaning to the existence of one sticker with the absence of another to mean anything?

So what kinds of underlying cerebral beliefs and assumptions to they incite? What they do is invoke a low level symbolism that prejudice the recipients of that type of media, and media it is. They act as a subtle primordial and fundamental method to divide and stereotype someone only based on the type of the sticker they display and can cause alienation and draw a proverbial line in the sand. There is a whole industry of marketing that has access to not only the latest high technology we all see, but physiologists, psychiatrists, social scientists, and media image specialists. Are we being brainwashed?

Why do I bring this up? Because those proverbial “lines in the sand” usually are political in nature. That in itself can invoke meanings and thoughts that can also bring additional division. Is there common ground? Not usually but not impossible. The only way to get to the root of the definitions and stances to those lines in the sand is to openly discuss and research those thoughts and ideas that both support a concept and the ones that are in contradiction of those topics. To find fundamental truth involves a true and honest exploration of history.

That's what happens on this blog. Blogs have broken the monopoly of the mainstream media over political discourse and recast the traditional political agenda to include long-ignored voices and issues. Some feel that the polarization that exists in politics would only deepen with the ability of citizens to express themselves. But they cannot help but engender a significant resurgence in citizen involvement in the political process and in voting. Additionally, they are also "collective organizers" of grassroots political action that are already beginning to weaken top-down party control of the political process and erode “Big Money's” absolute domination over the selection of candidates and their ideas. Your message can be heard very cheaply.

Whether it be on this blog or others, I can't help but give an unmistakable course of action to venture into blogging and to start sharing your ideals and thoughts. Additional benefits can include an awareness of current issues, a clarity and organization of thought, the ability to express oneself, resourcefulness, computer proficiency, and one last benefit, it's fun!