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Sic Semper Tyrannis

Friday, October 21, 2005

Greenhalgh fund

If you've read any of the coverage of the Chippewa Falls Senior High School bus accident, then you know that Doug Greenhalgh made a tremendous impact on his students over the years. A fund has been set up in Greenhalgh's name which is meant to help the school carry on the level of excellence Greenhalgh established at Chi-Hi. Here is the pertinent information, if any of you are interested:

The endowment fund is meant to ensure the legacy of excellence set by Doug Greenhalgh.

The fund will support the band program and its activities for future generation band members.

Donations can be made at the "Community Foundation of Chippewa County," and specify on the check it's for the "Greenhalgh Family Endowment Fund."

Checks can be sent to:
Community Foundation
P.O. Box 153
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

For questions people can call 715-723-8125

If people would like to join the effort in collecting funds people can call 715-723-7740.