Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Re: Dohnal response to Patrick's post

I just want to take a moment to reply before I pass out thanks to this dang flu...

I agree that this is not a perfect bill, but like I said, what compromise is perfect? Each side has to give up things to reach an acceptable compromise. I agree that SAGE is a failure and deserves to be defunded, but it is very important to Liberals and they will not give it up.

I also agree with Reynolds that Choice should extend to the entire state and the numbers should be unlimited, but that just wasn't going to happen with this governor. While expensive ($25 million for SAGE), I believe the payoff for Milwaukee's poor children was well worth it. I disagree with Mr. Dohnal's comment that this was a great victory for teachers and Doyle, it was a bone that Doyle was able to throw to the teachers, but it was far from a great victory.