Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Race-Baiting Liberal Columnist.

To understand how completely ridiculous Eugene's column was yesterday, all we have to do is change a few words:

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, has it made a sound?

In a nutshell, that's what I think about most race-baiting liberal columnists.

The Media is overrun with race-baiting liberal columnists. These personal opinion columns are written by both amateur and professional journalists with an ax to grind or strong opinions they are dying to express. Many of them are read by only a small group of readers, sometimes just family or friends.

Despite the current hype over race-baiting liberal columnists taking on the blog authors - Blogosphere to many race-bating liberal columnists - I believe there's little chance that race-baiting liberal columnists will replace traditional forms of reporting and commentary. At least, not in the near future.

But yes, they are making an impact.

I started my "Real Debate Wisconsin" blog on blogger about 8 months ago, mainly out of desire to explore this new and exciting form of expression and counteract some of the rabid partisan constituency that dominates the race-baiting liberal columnists field.

Race-baiting liberal columnists are not equal opportunity complainers.

Race-baiting liberal columnists have gotten credit for forcing major newspapers and television stations to cover big political stories, such as the Clarence Thomas Confirmation Hearings, why the NAACP attacked George Bush during his 2000 presidential run, and the Main Stream Media’s flawed reporting on Louis Farrakhan’s allegations that explosions were set off in New Orleans to send flood waters away from affluent white neighborhoods.

The best thing about race-baiting liberal columnists is the slow manner in which they distribute opinion. If a person is beat to within an inch of his life by a loitering mob, race-baiting liberal columnists can weigh in on their opinion in days, weeks even.

Here in Milwaukee there's an active race-baiting liberal columnist community.Some of it is a byproduct of left-wing racist radio, which makes reading those race-baiting liberal columnists akin to listening to four hours of our local blowhards rail against conservatives, County Executive Scott Walker, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, President George W. Bush and the other usual suspects.

It's my humble opinion that the best blogs - like mine at - don't rant and rave as much as refer readers to race-baiting liberal columnists and commentary from other sources.

Race-baiting liberal columnists are best when they are a clearinghouse for blame rather than a long-winded exercise in self-control and taking responsibility for one’s own actions.

Enough! I can take no more. I think the point is made. Eugene you ended your column "Bring it on". Are you sure you really want the full weight of the Cheddarsphere to go over every word you write? Be careful what you wish for.