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Sic Semper Tyrannis

Sunday, September 04, 2005


It looks like the Coast Guard has lost a chopper in New Orleans. FoxNews is showing footage of a large Sea Stallion type helo on its side on the ground. I can say for sure its not a Blackhawk or a Chinook They are reporting all crewmembers got out. They are injured but alive. Fox is saying its a Coastie bird I am not sure It is all orange. Almost all of the Coast Guard helos I have seen have a Orange and White paint job. But until further notice I will go with what they are reporting. I am just glad the crew got out from the pictures on TV my uneducated guess is autorotation due to lost engine. Bird is actually fairly good shape for a crashed aircraft and right side hatch looks like the pilot on that side when out his own door. A big plus looks like no fire. I was worried about this they have been riding these birds hard for over 5 days now and machines do break.

I will follow up if I find out more

Update Cnn is also calling it a Coast Guard helo and that all crewmembers were rescued.