Sky's blue, water's wet...
That's what I thought when I read this Journal Sentinel headline:
Rep. Paul Ryan likely to keep House seat
The following paragraph only reinforced that preconception (Caution: spit-take line coming up):
Couple more questions: doesn't she have a primary opponent? Answer: no, she has three primary opponents. The story does mention them, but treats Krupp as the de-facto nominee. I'd be ticked if I was one of the others.
Question #2: isn't there a famous literary character named Krupp? Answer: indeed there is. Bernie Krupp is the principal and the title character's alter ego in the wacky children's series "The Adventures of Captain Underpants."
I'd put that on my campaign lit, if it were me.
Rep. Paul Ryan likely to keep House seat
Washington — The odds are against Democrat Marge Krupp in a possible match-up against Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Janesvillein November. Even so, she has managed to raise about $77,500 in campaign contributions so far.Inclined, as I am, to assume the media favors liberals and Democrats, that right there seems like a real stretch to make a negative story into a positive one.
The following paragraph only reinforced that preconception (Caution: spit-take line coming up):
Although it’s not much compared with the nearly $1.2 million that Ryan has raised for his re-election, it’s more than any other Democrat has taken in for the congressional seat since Ryan’s first race in 1998.What? That's an incredibly weak amount of money for a congressional race. We've got Assembly candidates raising more than that!
“People are investing in my campaign because they’re anxious for real change in Washington,” Krupp said in a telephone interview.No, Ms. Krupp, apparently they're not.

Question #2: isn't there a famous literary character named Krupp? Answer: indeed there is. Bernie Krupp is the principal and the title character's alter ego in the wacky children's series "The Adventures of Captain Underpants."
I'd put that on my campaign lit, if it were me.
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