Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Saturday, November 12, 2005

A to do list

A “to do” list for the WisGop and the RNC,

I want to thank Mary Eileen over at stand in the trenches, her post help me focus on an idea I have been ranting about since I started blogging.  

I have been telling people who read my blog not to give money or time to the GOP at any level instead to give directly to individual candidates.  I still feel that is the best course of action.  But what actions or efforts by the GOP known here, as the Gutless Old Party would get me to give money and time to the party again?

First on the National Level in no order.

  1. Open up the Alaskan Wilderness Arctic Reserve (ANWAR) to oil exploration.

  2. Keep confirming conservative judges.

  3. Make the Tax cut permanent.

  4. Reign in spending, have real spending cuts.

  5. Fight for a pro-life agenda.

  6. Get control of our border/ get tough on illegal immigration.

Those are for a start and all of them would have to happen to prove to me they are back on the conservative train.  

I would also like to see the leadership take these small cabals of “Moderates” to the wood shed.  20 members should not get to decide what the party is going to do.  Call them out force them to chose.  If they going to keep holding our agenda back the party must find people to run against them and remove them from office.  Being an incumbent doesn’t mean you get that seat for life.  Lets stop fearing primary fights if we can remove a turncoat moderate and put a conservative in that seat the party should make every effort to make the seat more secure.  

In short the National leadership from the President to the Senate and House Majority leaders need to grow a spine and stop trying to make nice with the left and the turncoat moderates.  It has been over a decade since the American people put us in charge and we still have not learned how to be a party that is in power.

Maybe it is time for new leadership in the House and the Senate find someone with a vision and the will to take the fight to all of our enemies foreign and domestic.

Now for the State of Wisconsin, I really don’t know where to begin.  Has there ever been a more spineless group of majority party politicians?

First the list of things that needs to get done.
  1. Get TABOR into law

  2. Get the Personal Protection Act into Law

  3. Get the Voter ID bill into law.

  4. Cut the budget using real numbers no accounting tricks

  5. Cut our taxes especially at the gas pump.  Get rid of the automatic gas tax increase.

  6. Stop attacking business and listen to the taxpayers not the lobbyists.

As bad as the GutlessOP is on the Federal level the state level in Wisconsin is even worse.  The party has to remove Senator Dale Schultz as the leader of the Senate.  He has been as much of a roadblock to the conservative agenda as any state democrat.  

The reason on I have used term into law is the on the state level the Wisconsin Republicans love to use Governor Doyle and his veto pen as their safety valve.  They pass laws knowing he is going to veto them.  This allows them to say we tried but that darn old Diamond Jim wont let us have our way.  Well that line doesn’t wash anymore.  The party also needs to stop attacking loyal conservative votes like Tom Reynolds and start trying to get rid of turncoats like Mary Lazich and Mike Ellis.

In short the Republicans in both houses need to start acting like conservative and stop being captured by the system in Madison.  I am tired to hearing about the bills trying to give sweetheart deals to special interests; we could have left the Democrats in power if we wanted that.  Here is a special interest you should start listening to the Tax Payers of Wisconsin.  

So to the RNC and the WisGOP start making progress on some of these items and maybe you will see my money and my time.  Remember who got you into your chair the voter and remember who can remove you.


CP@ spotted horse