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Sic Semper Tyrannis

Monday, October 03, 2005

Car Vs Train in Oconomowoc

A mini van was hit by a freight train in City of Oconomowoc this afternoon Channel 4 is reporting the 46 year old driver was killed. The gate where this happen is within a mile of my house so I am familier with the crossing in that area. First all the crossings in town have lights and gates due to the high amount of train traffic in Oconomowoc and the high speeds the trains can travel some of the fast freights go through town as speeds up to 72mph.

My educated guess is someone was trying to beat a train and lost, barring a gate failure that is the only way I believe someone could get hit.

I think people get fooled because they are in a town they believe the trains will be creeping along, which is not the case out here I live by the tracks so I see them go by everyday and they are heavy and haul butt.

Very sad that someone died, but there is a reason those gates and lights are there. People need to obey the lights and gates.


Update and a correction it was a car not a minivan the shot from the helo made it look like a crushed minivan and channel 4 is reporting that the car drove out of someone's back yard onto the track which I could see some of the houses have yards that butt right up to the tracks if this is the case it was an even dumber act then trying to slalom the gates I will try to walk over there tomorrow and see if can get more info

as for quitemans question last death that I am aware of was a drunk vs train someone left the bar at closing time thought walking the tracks home would be a good idea and got hit. I am not aware of kids being hit, Like I said all of the crossings in town have gates and lights and signs you would have to try to get hit