Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Monday, July 25, 2005

Guv Slashes

I'm not shocked, but it was disappointing to see that the guv continued in his tunnel vision view of how to help education when he ran around touting his grand protection of WEAC's objectives well at the same time striking out the educational tax credits in the budget. What a special interest replay machine!

And then there was the cut of the adoption tax credit. Anything that promotes a stable family environment vs. state control must get under Doyle's skin. Help parents educate their kids as home? SLASH! Help parents adopt kids so the state doesn't have to play nanny? SLASH! And even when it could save the state millions and millions of dollars.

And he said that his whole veto was about the kids. Who is he kidding? It's all about the state/WEAC/taxpayer bind and control cycle.