Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Big Shock: Public Disagrees with ACLU and Feingold

Senator Russ Feingold is making a lot of headlines being the vocal opposition to the Patriot Act. You can read his comments on the President's push to have the Act extended here. Russ, once again thinks that all the world (read: the MSM) is behind him.

However, polling data shows us otherwise.

Against a backdrop of heightened public concern about government intrusions, six in 10 Americans favor extending the Patriot Act, but majorities oppose expanding it by adding new FBI powers to issue subpoenas and access U.S. mail.

Fifty-nine percent in an ABC News/Washington Post poll favor continuing the additional investigative authority in terrorism investigations that was granted to the FBI starting in 2001. President Bush urged such an extension of the Patriot Act today.
Count me in the opposition to the FBI having subpoena power - courts issue those, not law enforcement.

This is likely an even higher number who support the extension of the Patriot Act. It's the same ABC News/Washington Post poll that Ankle-Biting Pundits took apart (and others) yesterday as being skewed to Democrats.