Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Monday, May 16, 2005

To the Tarpits.

Newsweak is in a bind. No one trusts them anymore, the right was always suspicious and now the left doesn't trust their retraction (and yet again find themselves with the radical Islamists). Yes, this is all about the Qur'ran desecration story.

Dan Rather and CBS, Jordan Eason, and now Newsweak are all in the tarpit together and are on their way to extinction. The MainStream Mastadons (MSM) have always been fond of dancing right on the edge of the tarpit and from time to time they would fall in. In the past though, they were able to keep a hold onto solid ground and pull themselves out, clean up, and start the dance all over again. Times are changing.

Now, when a MSM falls into the tarpit the crowd on the edge is not blissfully ignoring their desperate hold on life, that crowd is working to break their hold on life; to push that MSM all the way into the tarpit. That crowd is the blogosphere. The same crowd dissed for not having editors, not having fact checkers, working in their PJs etc. Well, all the king's horses and all the king's men are not going to be able to piece Newsweak back together and did not prevent Newsweak from blundering badly.

This is too bad, because I am not going to be able to become a news correspondent digging up facts from which to base my analysis and pontificating upon. The only time I am going to become a "news correspondent" is if I am fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to find myself in close proximity to a news event. Bloggers need to have an honest press looking for facts rather than an agenda.