Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Know your enemy or The DNC, we cant surrender fast enough

Ahh DNC Chairman Dean a founding member of the Cut and Run wing of the Democratic/Defeatist party. Our own Cut and Run Russ Feingold is also a charter member.

When the defeatists try and say we support the troops, then why is their party leader touting a anti america group which uses wounded soldiers for political gain.

The slogan of the Dean led Defeatist party should be "Peace at any cost" or "The DNC, we cant surrender fast enough"

I give you Chairman Dean leader of the Defeatists and Face of the modern Democratic Party

or as we like to call him the Gift that keeps on Giving.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah


H/T to Uberblog babe Michelle Malkin for the photo. CP at SpottedHorse