Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Monday, November 28, 2005

It's For the Kids

I have to admit the teachers, administrators, union, and apologist for government-run education are undeniably right; we should do it for the kids! Why do we as parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or just concerned neighbors spend thousands of dollars, whether it is for government schools or private schools? Those on the pro-government side are absolutely correct; it is for the kids. And why do we educate our children? When you dig through all the theoretical dung, it ultimately is for one reason. It is to give our children the tools of critical thinking and problem solving, the ability to effectively communicate with others, and to learn from other’s failures and successes, so they can become self-sufficient individuals whose lives are incrementally better than our own. If this is not the goal of education; then we, either as individuals or as society, have a catastrophic moral deficiency.

The debate should not be about buildings, population projections, or any of the other peripheral topics. It is about how well our children are prepared in a competitive world to be self-sufficient and the effectiveness of the delivery systems which are charged with accomplishing that goal. Here are the facts on the accomplishments of the union dominated, government-run education system over the last thirty to forty years: 1]Student achievement in this country as compared to the rest of the industrialized world has literally gone from the top to the bottom[ there have been numerous reports on this]. 2] Forty to forty-five percent of our students entering college wind up taking at least one remedial course. 3] According to a recent survey by the National Association of Manufacturers [surveyed 800 companies], 61% of the companies reported that those workers who had a high school GED were ill-prepared for entry level work. 55% reported students deficient in employability skills, and 51% reported students deficient in math and science skills. The bottom-line according to the results of the survey is a growing skills gap and the blame is being pointed right at government-run K-12 education see report. The consumers of the government-run education product are dissatisfied!

Are these the results we want for our children? Is this, what is meant by the phrase, “Do it for the kids”. Is this the quality product you expect from a process which costs three to four times the amount of its’ competition; yet whose quality is often quite inferior to the lower costs systems. Do you really believe that after spending billions and more billions on government-run education that results will be any different after a 54 million or 100 million dollar referendum. If the goal truly is “for the kids,’ then it should be obvious to all, including those who are the only true beneficiaries of the system, that it will not! So by all means let us debate, “It’s for the kids.”
