Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

September Straw Poll

Patrick Ruffini has this month's presidential straw poll up, and it's "tagable," by state and by topics, e.g. pro-life, libertarian, immigration, taxes.

You insert the tag, so whatever you think is important will be tracked. I entered fiscal conservative, pro-life, strict constructionist, WI.

Ruffini had already done the laudable job of putting together a "fantasy ballot," which you can select not to override your original vote. In the results, you can see how fantasy candidates pull votes from regular candidates.

Interesting preliminary results:

Fiscal conservatives picked Giuliani over Romny by a wide margin, but Giuliani takes second place by an equal margin to Rice in the fantasy ballot.

Pro-lifers like Allen, then Giuliani is second, with Rice and then Jeb Bush taking second in the fantasy ballots.

Hugh Hewitt fans like Giuliani, then Allen, and Rice is followed by Giuliani on the fantasy ballot.

Cross-posted at Guide to Midwestern Culture for greater breadth of polling results.