Badger Blog Alliance

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Big TABOR Lie

The Tomah Journal recently reported (Feb 3, 2005) an editorial entitled "TABOR as legislation preferable to TABOR in constitution". The editorials very existence is information whose purpose is to literally fool the taxpayer. The article says that we already have TABOR like measures in place. Well why are combined income and property taxes the 3rd highest in the nation? Why have property taxes been raised an average of 7.3% just this last year? Why have organizations named Wisconsin one of the worst places to retire in the country? Why do a large amount of graduating students from the Wisconsin State College system go work in other states? Why have we been called a ‘TAX HELL’?

If the things in this editorial really worked, what are the answers to the questions? The answer really is, and this is from the mouth of Frank Lasee, directly to me, and I will paraphrase, is “He doesn’t trust his fellow legislators to curtail spending beyond taxpayers’ means. Nor should the taxpayers. People aren’t as generous with their tax dollars as elected officials are. They can just ignore their own legislation if they want.”

So as long as there are politicians that get voted in by the amount of special interest money they receive, how much pork they bring home, they will continue to spend, spend, and spend. That my friend is one reason it needs to be in the constitution. Another? Well we have Mr. Doyle that has vetoed everything that has come across his desk in regards to tax cutting measures. Mr. Doyle cannot veto a constitutional amendment. If the budget plan Doyle put out last night is any indication of Wisconsin’s future, TABOR is needed now more than ever! Don't belive this perpetuated lie that TABOR should not be in the constitution.

Cross posted @ On the Borderline